New Mills Derbyshire Painting

New Mills Derbyshire painting
Click New Mills Derbyshire painting to enlarge

Indian Ink, charcoal and acrylic wash New Mills Derbyshire painting. The view across the valley of a Derbyshire mill town in the spring of 2022. New Mills streets are built in layers onto the hillside. The Town Hall can be seen at the top of Spring Bank, High Street on the next layer, with Meal Street below. Hyde Bank Mill and chimney are in the foreground. I have spent some time looking at this view over the past few months, standing in the queue for the chemist, the doctors and the vaccination clinic. Thinking about big news in a small place. The flags in the camper van reference some other countries who are currently also suffering from war. Part of my New Mills ArtHigh Peak Art and Derbyshire Art print collections.

New Mills Spring '22 Print


  • 0.25 kg
  • Available
  • Shipping Time: 1-2 weeks1